First Post
Hi there,
Thank you popping by this little piece of the internet dedicated to my newsletter. I’ve decided to start this for a few reasons.
Firstly, I’ve heard from multiple sources, honing your writing skills is one of the most valuable things you can do as a life skill. And the best way to improve it is through just doing it consistently. A weekly newsletter a great way to get that habit started.
Secondly, this is a great way for me to stay engaged with you the viewers and people who engage with my content. I’ll use this newsletter to keep people up to date with what’s going on in my YouTube video space and also share some of my writings on personal finance and investing.
Lastly, I wanted to use this newsletter as a way of encouraging people like me (working full-time jobs in the corporate world), to explore the idea of starting something on the side. Some call it a “side hustle”, I just prefer to call it “what I do outside of full time work.” Now I know everyone is different, but I think it’s worth considering what else you can do with your time outside of work (if you’re mainly spending it watching TV and doing other things to avoid the thought of going back to your full-time job the next day, after the weekend.
Well - onwards to our first issue.