How much I make per video

One of the most common questions I get is: “How much money do you make per video.”

While it sounds like a straight forward question its actually a little tricky because you have to consider:

  • The time period;

  • My audience (size and the geographic location);

  • Tax (never forget the ATO).

To put some context around my numbers - here is a bit about my channel:

  1. It’s focused on personal finance and investing

  2. Mainly an Australian audience (90%);

  3. Viewers aged (18-35);

  4. Video retention time around 50%

So based on that I’ve put together the following graph that shows how much I make per video (after tax).

Source: YouTube Analytics. Note: After tax estimate

Source: YouTube Analytics. Note: After tax estimate

There are a few things to point out from the graph:

  • Most of my videos are earning be under $20/month.

  • A couple of bangers are doing better than that $50/month

So in terms of averages - I’m earning about $7/m per video - with 5 of my videos accounting for about 50% of my revenue.




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