How to invest in the S&P 500

Had a great question from a viewer recently about how to invest in the S&P 500.

The S&P 500 is a well known index that has been around since the late 60s. Its officially tracked by by 6 ETFs here in Australia.

I put together the table of comparison below as a quick reference for anyone who is considering this.

Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 12.21.52 am.png

My initial thoughts are:

  • I’d only bother using IVV and IHVV.

  • The proportion of IVV and IHVV I’d leave up to you. Consider which way you think the currency is going and how much you want to be held hostage to the potential for the currency to mover in a favourable or unfavourable way. 50/50 is not a bad strategy.

  • I’m not sure what the value of an equal weighted ETF like QUS is. But consider whether it’s worth paying 7x more in fees purely for the benefit of an equally weighted ETF (QUS vs IVV).

  • SPY is basically the same as IVV…so why would you bother with it if it’s 2x the IVV fee? I honestly don’t know why SPY doesn’t drop their fee - it’s the only thing they can really compete on if they’re using the same index to track…

Once I do a YouTube video on it I’ll leave a link below for that:

Bye for now


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