Let’s start daily posting

Been chatting to a friend and reading Seth Godin’s new book, “The Practice” and realised I need to get into a daily posting routine. I’m going to follow the following process:


Loving this book right now! I’m on the last 30 pages. Hoping to do a review on it on my Youtube channel eventually.

Have already bought 2 copies for friends so I definitely see it being worth it for us “sort of creatives”.

  1. Set a timer using the “Focus” app for 25 minutes;

  2. Set some music (will need to refine it after a while);

  3. Write for at least 20 minutes;

  4. Edit for 5 minutes; and

  5. Post.

This routine should at least get me posting frequently to the site. It will also improve the quality of my writing (eventually). I think broadly we’ll cover topics like:

  • personal finance

  • investing

  • habits

  • goal setting and execution

  • building a YouTube channel.

This first post is super exciting because we’re on the verge of something exciting. But the rubber will really hit the road when I get to day 3 or 4 when the excitement starts to wane. When I realise nobody is really reading this and it’s just me trying to develop a habit. But that’s hopefully when I’ll realise this is all for my benefit to build the practice, even when nobody is watching.

I’m already starting to think about things all the different articles I could write about. Even after I finish writing this I might start drafting up other ideas I want to start writing. IT’S REALLY EXCITING!!!

I have a newsletter but I don’t think I want to include these articles in there yet. Let’s get some momentum going with the writing and hopefully that will eventually lead to me including some of those articles in there too.

So this is day 1 of infinity. I’m excited. Hope you are too!

Bye for now,



Quality of process vs Quality of outcome


Vanguard just lost $60m