The power of compounding

I’ve never fully appreciated the power of compound growth until I saw the table in Barefoot Investor’s book. It was where he compared someone investing at a very young age and how they could stop investing early while someone who started investing say even 5 years was automatically set back a few years.

While I started my investing journey when I was young, I wasn’t consistent and it’s only now i’ve realised that’s hurting me. I was always looking for the quick flip of shares. Something that could help me become a millionaire overnight.

But I’ve realised more and more, it’s the little things that we do everyday that will help us build the longterm things.

He’s controversial, but something Jordan Peterson said recently was (along the lines of): try and improve the daily things in your life by a little. Don’t worry too much about the big one off things. Just focus on the daily things because if you improve those things then things will certainly get better in your life because it’s the daily things that make a difference.


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