Why the HUSTLE & how I (try to) HUSTLE?

I was going to write a long form article - then I just ended up noting down a few points.

Some thoughts on why I’m trying to “hustle” in my early 30s:

Why (how is later)

  1. If I don’t change anything in my life right now, I know exactly where I’ll end up. I just have to look at what “people like” will end up doing “over the next few years” and I’ll know where I’ll end up. I have to ask myself, is that what I want?

  2. I have more free time now than I’ll ever have in the future, so right now is the best time to start something.

  3. The alternative to doing “hustle work” is watching TV or playing computer/playstation games. In 1,2,3,4,5 etc years I’m not going to have regretted not having watched that TV show - so why am I watching it now?

  4. Am I procrastinating because I don’t want to do the work? Or because I don’t know how to do the work? Or simply because tomorrow it’ll be easier to do it? Isn’t that what I said yesterday?!

  5. I’ve procrastinated enough in my life to know how all those little “procrasto sessions” make me feel in the immediate and longterm. So again…why do I keep doing it? Here is an example of how I should really consider my time WATCHING TV SHOWS:

    1. Watching a TV show - NOW it will feel great, because it’s only 20-45 mins, I might learn something, it’ll feel comfortable, it’ll just be a great way to wind myself up before I really get stuck into that big “project”. I’ll just watch this quick episode and then I’ll get into it. But I know AFTER I’ve watched the TV show I’ll feel like I’ve wasted 20-45mins, when instead I could have been working on my projects. I 100% sure I won’t regret having missed that TV show in the future.

  6. When I look back at my 20s there are so many things I’ve regretted. One of them is how many hours I spent watching TV shows that I don’t care about anymore, shows that I thought I was “learning something from” (West Wing, Stargate), shows that I watched even though I had seen episodes like 20 times before (Top Gear), shows that made me feel cool and relevant (Suits, White Collar). Honestly, what the hell was I doing!?

  7. Just generally I like to remind myself of Jeff Bezos’ regret minimisation framework. Basically think about all those things you’ll regret not having done when you’re 70,80, 90 and about to die - and now try and minimise those regrets. Below is a short video where Bezos gave an interview on it:


Here are a few things I specifically do to try and “Hustle”:

  1. Remove as many distractions and procrastination inducing things as possible. For me this was packing up my Playstation, deleting as many apps from my iPhone (but still keeping the accounts active and forcing myself to only use the desktop login version of those apps).

  2. Set clear things I have to do even if it means staying awake late to do it (WARNING - THIS IS PROBABLY NOT ADVISED…like for anyone).

  3. The above being said, realising all these projects are “long burns/long games” so I don’t have to be perfect the first time around. Just make a version of whatever I’m trying to do that’s broadly good enough and get it out there. The internet/marketplace will tell you quickly if you’re going in the right direction.

  4. Really sit down and try and figure out how much free time you have in a week and realise that’s time you could be using wisely. It’s important to know what you’re working with. The reality might be you only have 2 hours a day as opposed to someone like me who realistically has 6 hours a day (outside of work and other commitments). I’m always wondering, how have I used those 6 hours today?


My “Jar of Progress”

Realise it is a long game (Picture on the right). I have this jar that I emptied and now fill with little bits of paper whenever I do a little thing that contributes to my longer-term plans. “It’s the little things that eventually build up to the big things” is the vibe I’m going for here.

Anyway - that’s me, curious to hear why and how you do your hustle?


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How to start on YouTube - learn from the master, Graham Stephan