How to start on YouTube - learn from the master, Graham Stephan

Are you thinking of starting a YouTube Channel in 2020? Graham Stephan went from 0 to over a 1 million subscribers in about 3 years. He’s now made a training course. In this video I’ll go through my 3 key takeaways and 3 things I would have liked to have seen in the training course. If you haven’t started on YouTube, or have started and are struggling to grow, I think this training course will help.

I made a YouTube video review his course — Read below if you want to quickly read through my review in notes form.

Important Links:

*Graham Stephan’s YouTube Creator Academy Course:

*Graham Stephan’s video on “How to get 1,000 subscribers” (this covers a lot of the topics covered in the course):

You can also check out other reviews of this course by:

*Jake Broe:


Who is Graham Stephan and why should you care about his course on starting on YouTube:

  • Graham Stephan started his channel in late 2017 and went from 0 to 100,000 subscribers in 1 year and made ~$26k.

  • Then by the end of 2018 he hit 300,000 subscribers and made ~$100k.

  • Then in 2019 he broke 1,000,000 subscribers and made ~$1 million+.

  • SO if you’re going to learn about Youtube, Graham Stephan would be a good place to start.

Who do I think this course is for?

  • People who haven’t started YET — or have only made a few videos on YouTube.

  • Maybe you’re struggling to get monetised, or you’ve been monetised and you’re not sure if you’re getting the most out of it.

  • Or your channel has plateaued in some way since you’ve been monetised.

  • I think it’s most relevant to people with between 0–10,000 subscribers.

My 3 key takeaways:

  • Thumbnails Titles and Descriptions: Titles and Description help rank high on the searches and your Thumbnails will determine if people will click on it.

  • Consistency in posting: This is key as its more likely YouTube will promote your videos if they can see you’re posting consistently.

  • Understanding CPMs: Knowing channel CPMs helps you understand how money is made on YouTube. It’ll help you set your expectations.

3 things I would have liked to have seen:

  • YouTube Analytics: There were only a few mentions of the Analytics platform. More detail on key things to look for when you’re starting a channel.

  • What to focus on each stage of growth.

  • How to build your channel in your Geographic region. What do you look for?

Very low course content “replay-ability”:

  • Very low — essentially once I watched the training videos…I didn’t need to watch them again. You learn everything very quickly because it all makes sense.

  • I took notes while I was watching this course so that may have helped a lot.

Deliberate Practice:

  • Graham has looked at pretty much every aspect of making videos and done his best to optimise for it — and teach you about it.

  • It’s like he’s knowingly or unknowingly undertaken some form of Deliberate Practice and that’s lead to his success.

  • Seeing this, it makes me more reassured this is the course to follow because Graham Stephan has actually gone to the effort to try so many things out and has found what works.


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